Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year with a new Haxton!

This blog has so many aspects to it. We are a military family, and thats what seems to define us. I have had so many friends turned family turned enemies in the past 6 years being a army wife its sad to think about. When I tell my friends back "home" (good ole' chino valley, arizona!) the things some people would do, they thought I was crazy! (Thats later to be determined I AM actually crazy hahaha)

This year Im focusing on my family.

10 Years.

3 Months.

2 Years.

The love that these three girls share is not measurable. I Love seeing them interact with eachother! When I was pregnant with Koral I was extremely  (very) scared of Azlea hurting her once she was born. I involved her in everything. So... to my surprise (seriously, i was fuckin shocked) when Azzie & Amara came to meet "baby" Koral, Az LOVED her. (And so did amara, t hinking she wasnt going to, the entire time I was pregnant she stressed how much she wanted a brother. probably my fault! Ha) Azzie is always rubbing on Korals head, kissing her and asking if she's "Awate" or "seeping". I cant stress enough how worried I was! Oooo my gosh! So far, it hasnt been all too bad. Amara is a wonderful help. Her and Azzie are always playing barbies, dancing or cheering. 

Happy New Year 2012.
in 2012 we added a new Haxton! She's made our family complete. I couldn't imagine not having her around now that she's here! 
Another "new" Haxton was born too! Me! Hahaha. You'll see friends.
You'll see. 